Flag Contest Suggestions for the New Zealand Returned and Services Association

In 2016 a majority of New Zealanders were not in favour of updating their current national flag, or at least not with any of the alternatives that were presented to them. Some will assume that by extension a majority of RSA members will be opposed to updating their current RSA flag, but that may not actually be the case. A time could come when a survey of the full membership may reveal that more members are in favour of a members-only flag design contest than are either opposed to or indifferent to one. For such a survey to be meaningful it should present a selection of plausible alternatives, so that those who complete the survey will not be doing so under the presumption that no suitable alternatives currently exist, and that a contest would therefore be unlikely to bring any to light.

Presented below are images of 83 suggested NZ RSA flag designs, none of which are in the public domain because they incorporate RSA symbols, emblems, and variants thereof that are under the copyright control of the RSA. Additionally some designs incorporate the Ngā Tapuwae ‘marching soldiers’ silver fern design, for which copyright information has been listed above the images. The current RSA flag is shown for comparison. Click any flag to see it waving in various wind conditions and to view it in a larger image. If in future the RSA membership are polled for their views on holding a flag contest, the designs below can be included with the survey information, as long as it is understood that they are only samples of viable alternatives to the current RSA flag, and not actual flag designs to be voted on unless or until a contest may be held. A printable and downloadable PDF version of the information on this web page has been made available here. The large file-size of the PDF may make it slow to load in your browser.

(Source of the Ngā Tapuwae ‘marching soldiers’ silver fern design: www.ngatapuwae.govt.nz, the website of Ngā Tapuwae New Zealand First World War Trails. Licensed by Manatū Taonga for re-use under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial 3.0 New Zealand Licence. Accessed June-July 2021. Crown copyright information may be found here. All other representations of ferns in the designs below are the inventions of the designer. The kiwi and dolphin silhouettes used for certain designs are in the public domain. RSA logos, emblems, and variants thereof are under RSA copyright control.)