Although the embedded fillable PDF form on this webpage can receive text and image uploads if it is displayed in a web browser that is compatible with fillable forms, this website does not collect the text or images thus uploaded, nor does this website collect any location data (Exif GPS) that may be embedded in uploaded images.
At some time in future, New Zealand will probably once again commission an official website for the purpose of gathering alternative national flag designs. That website should provide a standard flag design entry form. Ideally a two-page ‘fillable’ PDF form will be presented, one that can either be completed online or downloaded for offline completion.
At the bottom of this web page is a prototype for a fillable PDF flag design submission form. Its purpose is twofold, first to demonstrate the feasibility of including such a form on a flag design submission website, and second to provide would-be flag designers with a versatile tool that they can use to save and to attractively display their flag designs. For a better perspective, click here to see how the current design of the New Zealand flag would appear on the form.
If the Web browser that you are using fully supports fillable forms (such as the Windows 10 version of Internet Explorer, or Microsoft Edge when it is run in IE mode) you will be able to enter text and to upload images directly into the form, and you can print the completed form to your local printer by using the toolbar at the top of the form. You may also be able to save the completed form to your computer or to your mobile device as a PDF file, which will continue to function as a fillable PDF form. If you want to clear the form, simply refresh the Web page. You can also see the form alone here.
If your Web browser does not provide full support for fillable forms, the form below will not be interactive or it may display an error message, but a toolbar may be displayed that will allow you to download the form, or if not, a right-click on the form may allow you to do the same. You can then use the form offline with free Adobe Reader software or the like, which will allow you to fill, print, and save completed forms, perhaps giving them unique file names. The downloaded form should be particularly useful for aspiring flag designers, especially page 1 of the form, which can be printed in its entirety on a single A4 sheet of paper. All saved forms will remain interactive for future revisions of their text and and of their images unless the forms are ‘flattened’ by means of coding processes that are beyond the scope of this offering.
To the extent possible under law, Anne Onimous, the person who has associated CC0 with this work, has waived all copyright and related or neighbouring rights to this work.